The ideal turf surrounding your home should look green, dense and fresh. I’m sure you are already aware of the importance of regular lawn mowing for achieving that but there lies a common confusion between going for a weekly program vs. a bi-weekly program. For the best time and cost-effective results, you may need to figure out how often your turf needs a mowing. You might be bombarded by a clump of questions. Is mowing weekly healthy or is mowing bi-weekly healthy? Is mowing weekly harmful or is mowing bi-weekly harmful? What summer mowing frequency to follow? How often should you mow your grass? I’m here to guide you towards the choice of lawn mowing program best fit for your turf.
Weekly Mowing
Weekly cuts mean that you won’t be cutting too much away at one go which can stress out the blades making them grow out thin and dull. This unhealthy state can induce the growth of weeds as well. If you mow your grass weekly it would keep these weeds away giving a noticeably greener, fresher and uniform look. Such frequent trims draw the focus of the grass growth towards growing deeper roots that lead to a dense turf as opposed to reaching taller lengths that end up being mowed off anyway. Strong roots beneath the surface means healthy leaves above ground. The deeper the roots the closer they are to absorbing ground water. The weekly cuts don’t mean you should go shorter every time – short grass requires the hassle of watering them on a daily basis or else you risk the chance of them drying out especially during the summer heat. The weekly cuts should follow an even pattern that snips away the same length per mow for optimum results. With warm season grasses like St. Augustine and Bermuda commonly found among SC turfs, mowing in weekly intervals should be the way to go. Going bi-weekly with such grass types might make you end up with a brown and uneven growth taking away from the curb appeal.
Bi-weekly mowing
You may think that following a bi-weekly mowing program can save you cash in terms of overall expense as the number of visits become lower. For instance, at Quiet Lawn the price for bi-Weekly mowing service is 15 higher than the price of weekly mowing (per service). However, while the cost for bi-weekly cuts are higher per service for our customers, it’s less when you take into account the overall cost for the whole year compared to the weekly mowing service (17 visits vs. 27 visits). Although, this may seem like the more economical approach at first, it can actually cause an adverse effect in the long run depending on the state of your lawn. The 14 day time frame between the trims is long enough for weeds or even lawn diseases to take over. Click here to learn more about the Brown Patch disease common during this season. A sudden unsuspecting cut after the lengthy 2 weeks can shock and stress out the grass leaving you with some major damage. You also risk the chance of cutting off too much at once, and as you already know by now, short grass comes with the tedious task of needing to be watered everyday. Also, a cut too short holds the risk of destroying the stalks which contain most of the plant’s moisture which is essential for your lawn to not dry out and go brown. After around the 8th day mark without any trims, the grass could start to appear overgrown leaving you with an untidy and messy looking yard around your home. The goal is to retain the health and appeal for as long as possible. Weekly mowing usually takes about an hour of work. In contrast, bi-weekly mowing would take a longer time – the longer the grass the longer it takes to mow. However, if you choose to follow a bi-weekly program now you won’t be making the wrong choice either. The chilly weather this spring has caused slow grass growth (click here to read more), as a result you might need to opt for a bi-weekly lawn mowing program for the grass to grow to the appropriate mowing length.

Choosing the right mowing program
Weather conditions affecting grass growth plays a vital role for choosing the how often to mow your grass. Warm weather leads to vigorous growth thus weekly mowing is ideal whereas cool weather slows down growth stretching the time frame between each cut. Moreover, there’s no doubt that the quickest way to obtain and maintain the best health and look for your turf is regular fertilization. Your fertilization program should be linked with your mowing program. Well fertilized lawns have quicker growth thus requiring more frequent cuts. They also foster more weed growth so a weekly mow becomes necessary. To conclude, even though a bi-weekly program may seem economical at first, weekly lawn mowing is the best way to maintain a healthy turf while saving you from the trouble of having to spend behind fixing unwanted damages.
For more additional information click here.

At Quiet Lawn we offer both noise free Weekly and Bi-Weekly mowing programs backed up by convenient payment plans.
Our Weekly Mowing consists of 27 visits per year, the schedule looks something like this:
• March to April: Bi-Weekly Mowing
• May to September: Weekly Mowing
• October to November: Bi-Weekly Mowing
Our Bi-Weekly Mowing consists of 17 visits per year, schedule looks like this:
• March to November: Bi-Weekly Mowing
Looking for spring lawn mowing services in Longs, SC? Give us a call at 843-779-8873 or leave a comment below to set your appointment! We are locals, treating lawns in Little River, Longs and North Myrtle Beach is second nature to us.
Choose a payment plan best fit for you between PAY AS YOU GO or MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
Additionally, our team employs necessary sanitation and safety measures while conducting treatments during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide a risk free and safe service experience.