Lawn Disease – Brown Patch

We wanted to warn you about a common lawn disease that we are seeing in about 90% of the lawns we have mowed or treated so far this year. It’s called the Brown Patch disease. Although we had a relatively mild winter, it was also an unusually wet one. Brown Patch is the result of those areas staying wet for weeks or months at a time which causes the roots to rot. It’s pretty common, especially areas between two properties where they are graded together and the water runs down to the middle and sits.

Video below is what it commonly looks like. It starts out as small circles or ovals and expands outward. It’s usually in areas with poor drainage that stay wet. A common characteristic for our type of grass is that the grass blades on the outside of the ring turn red and yellow. 

Michael Reed of Quiet Lawn explain what the Brown Patch looks like. Take a look!

Brown Patch disease is a common and widespread fungus that has been infecting a variety of common turf-grasses here in South Carolina recently. If not treated early, the disease will grow as the hot weather and high humidity settle in during the upcoming summer months. (Read More: Coastal Turf)

Seeing this on your lawn?

If you suspect your lawn might have the brown patch, GIVE US A CALL AT 843-779-8873 or LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW to set yourself up with a fungicide treatment to eliminate the disease. 

For those in our Weed Control & Fertilization program, this is not a part of your program and the price of the treatment depends on the size of the affected area. Some lawns only have a small area that needs to be treated and some need the entire lawn. It may also take more than one treatment to suppress the disease.
