What is Sod?
Sod is living turf-grass that has already been planted by seed on a professional farm devoted to this type of crop and then harvested 10 to 18 months by slicing a very thin layer of topsoil, an inch or so. The reason why most people here from area’s like Little River, North Myrtle Beach and Longs, South Carolina, choose Sod installation service over seeding because most homeowners prefer to instantly convert their yard of bare dirt into a yard that’s lush green lawn – within hours! Sod installation allows homeowners to increase the property value by getting the beauty of a lawn with mature grass instantly without having to wait for months if they choose to seed. But is it better than Seeding? Keep reading to find out!

The Benefits
Installing Sod has many benefits. The quality of sod that we, Quiet Lawn, install will not need special care because it is already a healthy mature lawn when installed, whereas a sprigged or seeded lawn will require years of nurturing to reach maturity.
The important benefits:
- raises property value
- controls soil erosion
- minimizes dust
- reduces noise pollution
- cleans & cools the environment
- generates oxygen
Why Sod?
If you have a yard that’s incomplete or bare dirt, sod installation is the finishing detail you will need to make your home attractive and inviting.
Let’s go into more details on why Sod might be the answer to you.
As the roots of Sod grass are already developed, they can be laid any time of the year here in the environment of South Carolina. If you are someone who cares about how your yard looks, you should know that Sod makes a greener and denser lawn as grasses are planted close together – leaving no bare spots! Take a look below to see the difference.

Once you have the Sod installed, the care that goes behind maintaining a green carpet of grass is surprisingly very little. Just water, mow and fertilize your Sod lawn as needed which will ensure the grass will remain healthy. Seeding may take you several months, if not years, of work to get to Sod quality grass. Even then, chances are it may never look as good as the Sod you will purchase.
Is seeding a good alternative?
Seeding a lawn may sound easier or cheaper. However, considering the environment here in areas like Little River, South Carolina, it may take up to 2 years or more to fully establish itself. Some may think that seeding the lawn will be less costly than purchasing sod. However, that’s not true! Here’s why:
- The initial two years following seeding is very labor intensive
- Newly laid seedbed is open season to birds, wind, and weeds
- The newly seeded lawn will require constant care to keep it weed free
- During the process, some areas will need reseeding
- You can’t walk or have any sort of contact on the seeded lawn during establishing time
Sod can save you money!
Sod can seem initially more expensive at the start but it will save you money in the long run! Growing a lawn from seed requires time and money spent on weed control, extra fertilization, and over-seeding newly seeded lawns. Take a look at the video below to see how we transformed a customer’s lawn with our affordable Sod installation service!
We are locals! We understand the area in South Carolina better than anyone out there. Whether you are looking to get sod installed at your brand-new home or you want completely renovate your existing lawn, we’ve got you covered. There are 4 primary types of grasses that will grow in our area: Centipede, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Zoysia. Each one of these warm-season grasses has strengths and weaknesses and each one thrives in different conditions. For example, St. Augustine and Zoysia tend to do fairly well in partially shaded areas. However, if you put Centipede or Bermuda in a shaded area, they will start to die out and you will eventually be left with dirt and weeds. That’s why it’s very important to choose the grass type that will do the best at your home. Our team can make recommendations based on the conditions to ensure the turf you choose will thrive.