Fire ants may initially seem like a grueling and never-ending challenge to handle. These ants borrow into your grounds multiplying quickly into large colonies dispersed throughout the yard. The queen ants being the source of their vast reproduction becomes the primary target of extermination, even more as their lifespans stretch to years. They become a threat to both people and pets as their venomous stings feel like painful burns on the skin. Even an accidental disruption around the ant hills in your lawn could lead to an immediate and dreadful attack. For proper lawn ant control, using the correct pest control methods, can get rid of these lawn ants permanently, preventing them from reappearing and maintaining the ecosystem of your lawn.

It takes a thirty-day period for eggs to grow into adult ants on average. Worker ants live up to 25 months whereas the queen ants can survive up to 7 years giving them the lead in danger.
How to get ride of ants in the yard for good

Your choice of treatment for lawn ant control will depend on the size of the problem, being the number of above ground mounds. With a few mounds you can individually treat them with some time in your hands. However, a large number of mounds can be much more dangerous and you might need to put the pest control method in action at one go. They often build their nests below the soil surface but heavy infestation can cause them to spread to door/window frame cracks, masonry, concrete, or wooden objects.
One simple method is to scatter fire ant bait granules across the yard. The ants recognize them as food particles, carrying them into their mounds. Ingesting these poisonous granules begin to kill them, eventually wiping out their whole crew. It is important to keep in mind that if you have pets, you’ll be needing bait that is pet friendly in order to avoid any harmful mishaps. The directions on the packaging should be noted in this case.

If the above-mentioned method still causes these pesky pests to resurface it means that their colonies have unfortunately become very widespread. An extermination program that treats each ant mound at a time should be employed to eliminate every last one of them impeding further reproduction.
Another ant killer for lawns is to pour liquid insecticide into the mounds. You can use long sharp tools like rods first to make the tunnel deeper so that the liquid reaches all the nooks and crannies of the deeply burrowed colonies. Note that you’ll be needing the insecticides in plentiful gallons if you have a greater number of mounds for proper elimination.
When to use Fire Ant Bait
You have to take the weather of your surroundings into account before applying the lawn ant killer for effective eradication. Fire ant activities dial down during days with very high temperatures or heavy rainfall. The ideal time is when you see their visible activity around the mounds on mildly warm sunny days.

At Quiet Lawn, we offer a Fire Ant Control Service which is an add-on for our mowing program that includes bi-weekly treatments, or as needed, during the mowing service. We sprinkle fire ant bait granules around any active mounds during the mowing service. Every two weeks our crew will treat any active fire ant hills to noticeably reduce them. This is a low cost add on and great for those that are allergic or that have pets that could be bitten while outside. For more information click here.
If you are looking for such lawn ant control services in Longs, SC be sure to give us a call at 843-779-8873. You could also leave a comment below to set your appointment! We are locals, taking care of lawns in Little River, Longs and North Myrtle Beach area is second nature to us.We provide convenient payment methods for you to choose from! If you’re on a fixed income – we provide options for you to pay us in equal monthly installments. Or you can choose to keep things simple and choose our Pay As You Go method.
Additionally, our team employs necessary sanitation and safety measures while conducting treatments during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide a risk free and safe service experience.