Regular lawn watering has no alternatives in terms of boosting healthy grass growth. It is important to determine the right frequency and amount to water your lawn effectively. Soil type, weather etc. will factor into your choice of watering method.
How often to water lawn?
Seasons play a vital role here. Currently we’re moving towards the dry summer days which follows a completely different watering pattern with the absence of rain. With plants, the usual notion might be to water on a daily basis however, watering grass daily can result in dry root systems leading to brown and weakened grass in poor health conditions. Not to mention how having to water your lawn everyday can be a tedious and time-consuming task. Deeply watering your lawn two to three to times a week is the best way to achieve strong roots systems and a lawn that is drastically less prone to drying out, especially during the scorching heat of summer months. This will also ward off weeds and lawn disease. It is important to keep in mind that when temperatures rise to excessive heat daily watering will be required to avoid the grass from drying out and cooling its internal system to retain properly balanced hydration and health. If you have warm season grass like Zoysia, St. Augustine etc. daily water will become essential under such high temperatures. Also following an irregular routine of watering lawns rather than a strict one every week makes grass stronger as it mimics natural weather patterns. Remember that watering deeply with longer gaps in between makes your grass tougher and healthier as opposed to daily shallow sprinkles of water.

How much to water your lawn?
Your lawn will be needing at least an inch to an inch and a half of water once a week. The amount of how much to water lawn depends on your soil type as well, soil with more clay will soak and hold water better than sandy soil. If your lawn has more sand content then you’ll have to water it more than the one-inch weekly standard. The goal is to let the water soak six inches deep into the soil where the roots usually end. Click here to learn some handy tips using household items such as the screwdriver test to figure out if your grass has enough water. Also, a well fertilized soil will hold moisture longer requiring less water as often so you must make sure to get the grass fertilized regularly.
Quiet Lawn offers fertilization in addition to our various other lawn care programs.
How long should you water your lawn?
If you have automatic sprinklers, having them run for twenty to thirty minutes two to three times a week would be sufficient to have an inch of water. When trying to reach the one-inch height be sure to take intervals to let the soil soak the water in properly to avoid flooding the streets. While watering, checking every fifteen to twenty minutes would be a useful rule of thumb to get an idea of how long it takes the soil in your lawn to properly soak up the water.
When is the best time to water lawn?
Knowing when to water the lawn is essential. If the sun’s heat is too high chances are the water will evaporate before it even gets the chance to soak up properly. The best time of the day to water lawn in summer especially, would be earlier in the morning within 10 am. Temperatures are cooler with a softer heat allowing the grass to soak up all the moisture properly. This also poses less stress on the grass. You should always avoid watering lawns at night after the sun sets as the grass turns soggy becoming susceptible to disease, fungi and mold surfacing. The latest you can go would be within 4 to 6 pm while the sun is still up and temperatures are cooler too if you cannot make it during the morning hours at all. Water lawns after mowing for that crisp healthy look to appear.

How to water lawn using the right tool?
If the size of your lawn is small, a simple hose is enough to quickly finish the job but with bigger ones, we’d recommend you using sprinklers for your ease. Use in-ground sprinklers for the job. Either the pulsating or oscillating ones. Oscillating sprinklers shoot the water up vertically and come with a cheaper price tag. However, for more efficient results we’d suggest investing behind pulsating sprinklers that spread the water horizontally using a high velocity covering larger areas evenly.
Looking for spring lawn maintenance services in Longs, SC? Give us a call at 843-779-8873 or leave a comment below to set your appointment! We are locals, treating lawns in Little River, Longs and North Myrtle Beach is second nature to us.
Choose a payment plan best fit for you between PAY AS YOU GO or MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
Additionally, our team employs necessary sanitation and safety measures while conducting treatments during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide a risk free and safe service experience.