Benefits of Lawn Aeration

Benefits of Lawn Aeration

There is no doubt that the key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn is to take up a regular lawn mowing, watering and fertilizing program. Although, it is important that these nutrients are in fact reaching the soil underneath for promoting grass growth. This...
What is the best kind of mulch

What is the best kind of mulch

A protective layer of mulch around your lawn comes with a set of benefits. Mulch aids in moisture retention, keeping the soil cool, preventing weed growth, all combined with bringing an aesthetic appeal to the landscape. There is a wide variety of mulch to choose from...
Can excessive rain damage your lawn

Can excessive rain damage your lawn

Have you ever noticed that your grass turns brown after days of heavy rainfall? When the rain water seeps into the soil the plants absorb nitrogen causing the leaves to green up, becoming lush and healthy. Rainfall saves you a lot of watering time and energy as well....
How to Prevent Sod Webworms

How to Prevent Sod Webworms

Have you noticed signs of damage to your lawn like browning of the grass? A lot of the time, this is caused by the commonly known Brown Patch Disease. However, there is another deadlier cause of such damage, and they are Sod Webworms or Armyworms. The small yet mighty...
Landscaping to sell house

Landscaping to sell house

Wondering if landscaping to sell house is worth it? Absolutely! A good first impression about your property will come from what potential buyers will see first before anything else – your landscape! In this post, we will give you three simple advice on how to increase...